Moana Pozzi

Condoms: A History of Protection

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Condoms: A History of Protection

Since the dawn of humankind, there has been a need for safe, effective methods of protection. Throughout the centuries, humans have developed various forms of birth control and protection from sexually transmitted diseases. One of the more well-known methods is the condom. The condom is a thin, stretchy sheath made out of latex, polyurethane, natural membrane, or another type of material, that covers the penis during sexual activity.

The concept and use of condoms isn’t new. In fact, condoms date back to the mid-1500s when a doctor by the name of Gabriele Falloppio invented the first condom in an effort to prevent syphilis. It was made from linen and was held on with ribbons. The condom was dipped in a chemical solution before use. Unfortunately, this condom was too large and not very effective at preventing the spread of disease.

In the 1700s, condoms started to be made out of animal intestine and bladder. By the 1800s, condoms made out of rubber latex were introduced and eventually became the norm in the 1920s. Latex condoms were much thinner and could be rolled on to create a snug fit. During World War II, latex condoms were made available by the millions, to help protect American soldiers against previously unknown sexually transmitted diseases.

In the 1960s, polyurethane condoms were introduced. These condoms were thinner than latex and did not contain proteins, which were known to cause allergic reactions in some people. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, condoms were still seen as a type of contraceptive and protection against STDs, but there was a great deal of misunderstanding surrounding the use of condoms.

The first federally approved condom was released in the early 1990s. This type of condom met certain standards of effectiveness and safety that had to be met before they were approved for sale. This helped to increase public confidence in the effectiveness of condoms. In addition, education about the importance of condom use for the prevention of STDs increased.

Condoms have come a long way since their invention in the mid-1500s. Modern-day condoms are much more comfortable, reliable, and effective than ever before. Whether used alone or in combination with other forms of birth control or STD protection, condoms remain one of the most effective ways of reducing the risk of pregnancy and contracting a sexually transmitted disease.

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